Zack Berger



I'm a first-year PhD student at MIT EECS, advised by John Guttag and Collin Stultz. My work is supported by the DoD NDSEG Fellowship.

Previously, I was a software engineer at Google working on generative AI infrastructure. I completed my BS in computer science at UCLA, where I worked with Amit Sahai and was a research assistant with the Vision Lab.

I'm also a jazz pianist! I play at retirement homes and accompany for a few improv teams.

Contact: z<last> [at] mit [dot] edu



I taught a seminar called Demystifying Computer Science, an approachable end-to-end look at CS principles for non-STEM students. The lectures are available on YouTube.


Stereoscopic universal perturbations across different architectures and datasets
Zachary Berger, Parth Agrawal, Tian Yu Liu, Stefano Soatto, and Alex Wong.
CVPR, 2022   [Journal]  [arXiv]  [Code]